Cybersecurity Risk Awareness

Cybersecurity Risk Awareness

Internet-linked computer networks support the delivery of services essential to daily life, economic well-being, public health and safety, diplomatic services and national security. However, our reliance on these interconnected systems makes us vulnerable to sophisticated cyber attacks. Cyber threats include cyber espionage by foreign intelligence services, online recruitment and fundraising by terrorists, fraudulent insiders, intellectual property and identity theft by competitors and organised crime syndicates. In addition, hacktivists seek to disclose sensitive government and private sector data. Therefore, cybersecurity is one of the most serious challenges facing enterprises, local, national governments and the international community. Senior management understanding of their role in addressing cyber threats is crucial to resolving this long-term challenge. Thus, our cybersecurity risk awareness programme provides individuals responsible for a country or enterprise’s economic, diplomatic and national security an opportunity to obtain timely information about the cyber threats, risks and vulnerabilities that threaten the achievement of important national/enterprise missions. Our events are also an opportunity for business and national cybersecurity leadership to share experiences about relevant cyber risks, preventive measures and effective responses and thus boost overall cybersecurity nationally.

Aims of Cybersecurity Awareness Events

Our unique events give key stakeholders valuable insights into how to defend their part of cyberspace. In particular, the events:

  •  Help participants understand the importance of cyberspace to country or enterprise’s economic well-being and national security;
  • Use case studies to identify the cyber threats and risks applicable to participants;
  • Use case studies to show how other countries/enterprises are coping with cyber threats;
  • Show why cybersecurity is a shared responsibility and identity typical stakeholders;
  • Help senior management’s understand their role/accountability for cybersecurity;
  • Explain the urgent need for protecting ICT networks carrying classified government data e.g. diplomatic, intelligence, military etc;
  • Highlight the importance of enhancing country or enterprise’s cyber counterintelligence capacity;
  • Explain the importance and how to secure Country or enterprise’s cyber supply chain;
  • Explain how to engage the private sector in promoting national security; and
  • Underline the importance of and how to create a national culture of cybersecurity.

Typical Participating Organisations
The workshops bring together stakeholders responsible for addressing cyber threats to government and other critical information infrastructures. Usually, participants include:

  • Army/Defence Community
  • Intelligence community
  • Counterterrorism community
  • Finance ministries
  • Ministries of Internal Affairs/immigration
  • Ministries of Public Service
  • Central banks
  • Police/Law enforcement
  • ICT regulators/agencies
  • Critical infrastructure operators
  •  Government suppliers/IT contractors